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28 March 2009
Album-ready Lene Marlin got letter anxiety
Source : VG
Lene Marlin (28) is naturally nervous for the reviews and feedback on her new album, but she is also afraid of letters.

- There are periods where I don't open any letters. I just close my eyes and ignore it, because I don't want to know if anything goes poorly, says Marlin and laughs.

- But it could happen it says something nice as well?

- I know, but sometimes I get a bit afraid. If the record company gets my letters, I'm asking them to open them for me. It's easier giving them to somebody else. Generally, I'm a bit of a blunder, she says.

Letters are not the only thing that can make Lene Marlin nervous. On Monday her fourth studio album is released, "Twist The Truth". There have been four years since the last time.

- Is it really that long time ago? It doesn't feel that way for me, she says, surprised.

- For each album I get more nervous. I have been living alone with this music for so long. It will get strange when people are to start having an opinion.

Need to please the fans

Because, there are not only the reviewers Marlin will need to convince. Among other places, in China, USA and Italy, there are loyal fans who have been waiting a long time for new music from the 28-year-old Tromsø inhabitant.

- When I got into MySpace, I got incredibly surprised. There are many enthusiastic fans out there, and I hope they will get satisfied, she says.

- How many proposals have you received?

She throws her head back and laughs.

- Well. There have indeed been a few proposals through the years.

During the recording of the album last summer, she moved with her boyfriend Kåre Conradi to London. Still, he has not been allowed to be a part of the album.

- While I'm in the studio, I let very few people listen in on the way. I don't wish to be directed, and might almost get a little absent, she says.

Previously, Lene has been together with the NRK celebrity Stian Barsnes Simonsen.

Talking and laughing

- It could be good being with somebody who knows what you are going through. When I was working on the album, Kåre could sit next to me telling me things, without me being able to absorb it. Some would have been driven to madness by such things, but he understands why my thoughts are totally elsewhere.

Marlin is smiling, talking, gesticulating, and laughing, while she's drinking coffee from what she's calling a soup bowl. There are eleven years since she broke through with the super hit "Unforgivable Sinner". Since then it has been up and downs, but Marlin knows very well where she stands now.

- I'm happy, and is feeling very well. Now it remains to see what kind of reception the album will get. When that is over and done with, I can fully relax my shoulders, she says.

Translated by Tef Johs


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