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My Lucky Day
Tell me what you saw that was so bad
Tell me all the reasons
Why you made me so sad
I wish that I was like you,
And I'm sorry that I'm not
At least I still have hope,
I guess that's all I've got

I know you must be happy
Thrilled that I'm not there
Yet I know that I will make it,
Make it good for me out here
And soon I will be smiling,
Everything will be okay
I'll not worry anymore,
that will be my lucky day

I wish that you'd seen something
Special 'bout me too
That you would think of something else,
Not just the way I look to you
I don't see what you see,
How different can I be
And why does it really matter,
I'm just being me

I know you must be happy
Thrilled that I'm not there
Yet I know that I will make it,
Make it good for me out here
And soon I will be smiling,
Everything will be okay
I'll not worry anymore,
that will be my lucky day

Altri testi

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Informazioni su
questa canzone
My Lucky Day

testo di
Lene Marlin

cantata da
Lene Marlin


tratta da
Lost In A Moment (cd)


altre versioni/remix

© 2005 Virgin Records Norway AS