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Blanket In A Park
Wish I could lay down beside you
On a blanket in a park somewhere
With some music and some wine maybe
Your gentle arms around me
I wouldn't wish for anything more
except that time would stand still

And I'd pretend
You were mine
And you'd never leave
And I would make you feel
The only place to be
Is where there's music, some wine and me

What if I could hold your hand and kiss you
And you'd feel nothing except we felt this right
You'd forget about time and spend the night
There, on a blanket in a park

And I'd pretend
You were mine
And you'd never leave
And I would make you feel
The only place to be
Is where there's music, some wine and me

And I'd pretend
You were mine
And you'd never leave
And I would make you feel
The only place to be
Is where there's music, some wine and me

And I'd pretend
You were mine
And you'd never leave
And I would make you feel
The only place to be
Is where there's music, some wine and me

Music, some wine and me

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Informazioni su
questa canzone
Blanket In A Park

testo di
Lene Marlin

cantata da
Lene Marlin


tratta da
How Would It Be (cds)


altre versioni/remix

© 2005 Virgin Records Norway AS