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 Lene Marlin
 Lene live at Sound Republic (London, 1999)
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Posted - 15/12/2023 :  21:21:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Incredibilmente non c'era un topic su questo evento.

Estrapolo info da questo topic visto che qui e' piu' in tema.

Il 23 settembre 1999, in piena promozione di Playing My Game, tenne un concerto per una selezione di personalita' del settore al Sound Republic a Londra. La setlist non e' ufficiale, ma sappiamo che ha cantato:

- The Way We Are (questa versione era pure b-side del singolo di Sitting Down Here)
- A Place Nearby (caricato direttamente da Warner Music Norway nel 2016! - curiosita', Lene la annuncia sbagliando il titolo)
- One Year Ago
- Luka (cover di Suzanne Vega)

Inoltre, da questo video si capisce che ha anche eseguito:

- Unforgivable Sinner
- Sitting Down Here
- Fight Against The Hours (inedito all'epoca)

Ora, il fatto che una fonte ufficiale (Warner) abbia caricato il video di quell'esibizione di A Place Nearby vuol dire che il materiale c'e' da qualche parte (anche se ovviamente c'e' da vedere chi detiene i diritti di pubblicazione per ogni brano). Anche la qualita' e' decisamente migliore degli altri video.

Dall'altro topic riporto la trascrizione di un articolo che avevo scaricato dall'allora funzionante lenemarlin.org, che lo pubblicò in data 17 ottobre 1999 con titolo "I can't imagine a life without music":

Lene Marlin held a concert in London for special invited guests not long ago. Here is what C3 wrote about Lene Marlin.

She sat on a lone stool at the front of the stage and wowed everybody with the sweetest singing you've ever heard. And she sang nearly all the brilliant songs off her album, which will be out soon!

Record company execs taped their feet along to Unforgivable Sinner as well as Playing My Game, Sitting Down Here and A Place Nearby. And then, when everybody couldn't stop whistling and stamping their feet at the end of the gig, she sang a brilliant new version of the sad moving song 'Luka' - which Suzanne Vega once made world-famous!!!!

After the concert a interview was necessary...

- What's instant stardom like?
"It's really new to me. I'm not used to facing crowds, like at a signing session recently. But it's fun too. It's incredible to think that all these people were there because of me!

- Has it changed your life?
"Oh yes. My life's changed a lot. I used to sit in my room playing for myself and my friends. But now those songs are being heard by thousands of people. I have always wanted to make an album. But it was just a far away dream. I never expected that dream to come true!!!'

- How did you become a popstar?
"I recorded some songs at my local radio station for fun. But a journalist heard me. And he told his friend at the record company and they phoned me up!!!"

- What inspires your songs and what are they about?
"No one knows what they're about, except me. I don't want to tell anyone because they're very personal. I write about things I experience and things my friends experience."

- You live in the land of the midnight summer sun (and loooong daaark winter days). Does that affect your songs?
"No matter where I lived, I would have always wanted to do music. But it's probably easier when it's dark all day in the winter and really cold, so you can't go out. I would just go to my room and make some songs, instead."

- Being a pop star cured your fear of heights, hasn't it!
"Yeah! For my first video I was filmed on the top of Norway's tallest building called the Oslo Plaza. And I was really afraid of heights. But I just told myself it would be fun. I had to sit with my legs dangling over the edge. I looked down and saw all these small people. It was raining and slippery, too!"

- What's been your best moment so far?
"Winning the Norwegian version of the 'Grammy'!!! I just had this big smile on my face! The first thing I said on stage was: 'This award is really heavy!'. And then I said: 'I'm nervous'. I was thinking, after I finished my speech, that now we'd have the biggest party ever. And we did!"

- Can you imagine life without music?
"I've been singing since two years old. There's even a photo of me two years old with guitar in my hand. And that was how music career started. So no, the simple answer is, that I can't imagine my life without music."

Edited by - Pegasus_TDCi on 15/12/2023 21:26:57

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Posted - 18/12/2023 :  16:21:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Mi ha sempre fatto strano l'idea di Lene che cantasse Luka (e in generale cover, fino a tempi più "recenti") ma, essendo che mi piace molto quella canzone, mi ha anche incuriosito parecchio. Ho sperato a lungo che uscisse un video o almeno un audio. Purtroppo (o per fortuna) erano altri tempi. Magari un giorno qualcosa uscirà.
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