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Posted - 21/01/2014 :  22:47:39  Show Profile  Visit Nemo's Homepage  Click to see Nemo's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Si in effetti ho letto anch'io ed è strano.
Probabilmente è come dici tu.
Certo son state due belle botte per Lene..

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°Aredhel °

Posted - 22/01/2014 :  13:21:50  Show Profile  Visit °Aredhel °'s Homepage  Reply with Quote
Povera Lene :(
Povera ragazza

Just give me directions
I'll go anywhere
I need to find something
I cannot find here
Give me the chance
And I'll prove that you're wrong
I'll manage so fine
I can be strong
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Posted - 22/01/2014 :  22:10:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
"Vita. Il breve tratto di strada tra lacrime e risate. Gioia e dolore. Speranze e paure. Fede e sconforto. Il nostro modo di bilanciare ogni singolo giorno. Ciò che sentiamo e ciò che scegliamo di sentire. Oggi scelgo speranza. Scelgo gratitudine. Scelgo la gioia e la fede. Ho scelto la giornata di oggi. Come la mia eternità"

Anbjørg Sætre

Al nostro cordoglio e alla vicinanza dovremmo aggiungere riflessioni profonde sulla vita e sul quotidiano.


Edited by - cri on 22/01/2014 22:13:12
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Posted - 24/01/2014 :  20:16:41  Show Profile  Visit Nemo's Homepage  Click to see Nemo's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Concordo pienamente con te. Bisogna sfruttare al massimo ciò che ci dà la vita e far tesoro di tutte le esperienze che facciamo.

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Posted - 29/05/2014 :  19:34:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Proprio l'altro giorno quando ho letto del concerto dei Rolling Stones a Oslo mi sono detto: "Chissà se Lene c'è andata, secondo me sì". E oggi, BAM! Post su Facebook:

Hi everyone!
I have to say that this year has not been a good one! And parts of last year were so full of contrasts, more than usual. You start looking at life differently. And luckily, as time passes, things get better.
I haven't been able to write anything. But I thought that when I was ready to write something again it should be about something happy rather than sad. So; I went to see the Stones in Oslo on Monday. And later as I'm talking to someone I know who works with the band; there he is, Mick Jagger. When my friend introduces me and says that I have a song called Sitting Down Here, he smiles and says: "I know that one!". Maybe he did, maybe he was just being polite. But wow! That this legend knows something about my music: sweet! I'll take it, politeness or not Afterwards I ended up talking with him alone for a long time. What a guy!
I've been listening to a lot of different kinds of music lately. One of the things I love about music is that it makes you feel something, no matter what. When you need comfort, when you need to cry, when you need to smile and laugh and enjoy life. So now, as it's nearly June and almost half the year has gone I can't help thinking about being grateful and happy. There are a lot of awful moments in life. So thank heavens for the good ones!


Non è un periodo molto fortunato per Lene. Le due perdite subite a inizio anno (il mentore Johansen e l'amica Anbjorg) hanno evidentemente un ruolo in tutto questo. Ad ogni modo, non sembra troppo giù, anche perché, tornando ai Rolling Stones, come potete leggere ha avuto modo di scambiare più di quattro chiacchiere con Mick Jagger in persona! (e voi, dite che la conosce davvero Sitting Down Here? io ho i miei dubbi )
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Posted - 28/08/2014 :  21:15:17  Show Profile  Visit Knox's Homepage  Click to see Knox's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Il libro di cui parla Lene nel suo ultimo messaggio su FB, dovrebbe essere uno spartito !

Verdeggianti pianure sconfinate, rigogliose terre incontaminate di mondi lontani. Ma anche la maestosità del mare. Mare aperto, dove è facile perdersi. Naufragare piacevolmente nelle rassicuranti profondità oceaniche dei tuoi occhi.
Lene, i'm lost in you....

Edited by - Knox on 28/08/2014 21:24:29
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Posted - 01/09/2014 :  22:24:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dear all!
I've been thinking about this for a very long time. And now I've finally done it, the story is out there. I hope it can be of some help to you or someone you love! It can be scary to make yourself vulnerable, to let go of your disguise. But honestly, it feels more good than scary!
I've had some really dark times in my life. But luckily I've made some changes. And I'm so happy that I did!
I know quite a few of you don't speak Norwegian, so I got the article translated into English so you can read it too. Read the translation below.
I didn't want to live any longer
Everything seemed perfect from the outside. That just made it worse, Lene Marlin writes
I had decided that I would never speak of this publicly. Not because I am ashamed. I am not. But because I just wanted to be done with it all. As the years have passed I've come to realize that I will never be completely done with it. It is a part of who I am. I live with it each and every day and will carry it with me for the rest of my life. So I might as well say it out loud:
I tried to end my own life.
I couldn't handle the pressure.
It's strange, isn't it, how you can go from living life for yourself, to suddenly realizing you are living it for everyone else; their expectations and their dreams. How easily one is lost in the demands of others. How easily one takes to living other people's lives. Now I see it all the time, kids struggling. Even older people; imagine still feeling the pressure after all those years. What kind of hope is left us then?
A different kind of pressure
I wish I could tell you that the pressure lets off, as you grow older. The one thing I can say is that it changes. You simply have more choices. I decided that I was the only one that could make myself happy. This process included making some choices that seemed very strange to people close to me, but I have no regrets. Because even while living this hectic dream-life I knew I had to put a stop to it.
I let it go too far
Because I at that time lacked both the strength and the ability to listen to myself instead of others, years passed before I was fully healed. This is my only regret. It has, however, made me live my life in a different way. For better or for worse, I discovered at an early age how I didn't want to live my life, and that is something for which I am thankful. Others take much longer to see this and might end up never having lived the life they really want.
Went home during recess
I still have bad dreams about high school; that they call me up telling me I need to come back, do it all over again. I felt like I didn't fit in. Like I was weird and different from everyone else. Every time we had free time, even in the middle of the day, I would go home: Play the guitar for as long as I could and run back when I had to. That's where I found the strength I needed. I kept thinking that if I just got through those three years everything would be all right. And it was. Sometimes you just have to hold on for a little while longer.
Sometime during my twenties I found myself lying on a cold kitchen floor weak from crying my eyes out. I don't know how many hours had passed, but I found one can actually run out of tears. That your body can only take so much. I was completely worn out; but I had come to peace with the fact that this was to be my last night. I felt surprisingly cold and detached as I wrote notes to people I cared about. I did really want to end my life that night. When my eyes closed I felt at peace. I awoke several hours later, confused and in terrible pain. Ironically I didn't have the strength to try again; I was too weak to even die.
The importance of being heard
Not being heard is painful. It can take a good while to finally say the words that are needed, but when you do, it is important that those around really listen and take you seriously. Failing that, it is so much easier to just crawl back into your shell, sure that your heavy thoughts are yours to live with alone. That kind of loneliness is the worst.
End it all? You? You've lived everyone's biggest dream. You travel the world; you make lots of money, win awards, what can possibly be bothering you? They told me I was ungrateful. The incredible pressure, the expectations, I just couldn't take it anymore.
The pain you know
One time I ended up in the ER and was told I had been very lucky. I didn't feel lucky. I had wanted to die, yet there I was. That night I found myself in the back of a dismal room listening to a girl on the other side of a curtain. She was talking about why she did it, and I remember her talking about the boy who had left her and how she had thought it would be them forever and now she didn't have a reason to live. Or something like that; I was drifting in and out of sleep and can recall only fragments. No boy had put me in that bed, but I recognized the pain in her voice as my own.
We are who we become. Sometimes the road ahead is long and hard, especially when you are in your teens, when everything hurts and it is hard to believe it will ever end. You just don't believe it will! I see it myself today with people I know who are struggling. It is hard just trying to get them to believe that life does get better. In those instances I use my own experiences; I can tell them that I know what it's like to feel so tired and small that there seems to be no hope left. When they imagine that as they are sitting across from who I am today, that's when I see that they understand what I am saying.
Hang in there!
You can't change the past, but you can change how you live with it. I sometimes get flashbacks of what's gone before. Often times I have forgotten all about it, so when the images appear it can be a lot to take in. My whole body reacts, as if it remembers what my mind has forgotten. That's when I panic, I feel trapped and out of breath and need some time before I can tell myself that it's all behind me. Once that happens my body settles down, but it's a terrible feeling while it's going on.
There is so much more contained in a tear than one might imagine. I have been seen crying on TV, which was something I never planned to do, it happened when songs and conversations took me back there. That experience was both painful and good at the same time because what I felt the most was the feeling of having weathered it and come through on the other side. A heavy thought for someone who didn't expect to live past 30.
Those tears don't make me feel ashamed, I know I should have cried them a long time ago.
So if you're not in a good place when you're reading this and can't imagine life getting any better, please hang on for just a little longer and hear this; it will all be worth it!

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Posted - 01/09/2014 :  23:17:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Bellissimo gesto scrivere questa lettera...davvero, ho molto apprezzato e le sono veramente grato per averla scritta...

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Posted - 02/09/2014 :  01:14:56  Show Profile  Click to see tiziano_lm's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Magnifica Lene. Sempre.

«Best fans in the world!»
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Staff / Moderatore

Posted - 02/09/2014 :  23:49:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
In homepage la traduzione in italiano (anche se in fase di revisione)

Edit che non c'entra niente: noto che tutti noi con l'immagine di firma su imageshack abbiamo il simbolo di immagine mancante. Le nostre immagini sono state cancellate...

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Posted - 05/09/2014 :  13:22:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Altro messaggio su Facebook:


This has been an overwhelming experience for me; the comments, the feedback.

Dear all, thank you so much!

Thankfully not everyone has found themselves in a place where they want to end their life, but so many of you can relate to the rest of my story. So many have felt the pressure, the expectations of others. The last couple of days I've read and been told so many stories; from young and old. They've all made a lasting impression on me! I never imagined that it would be this massive, that it would engage that many of you. But it’s apparent that this needed to be talked about. We’re doing that now, and that feels really great



I commenti su FB mi sa che ha cercato di leggerli tutti (anche se sono più di mille). Mi sembra loquace (e abbastanza "social") in questi giorni, voi che dite? A me fa quasi strano sentirla così "spesso" :)
Curiosità: +4000 mi piace su FB per Lene in tre giorni (prevedibile, vista l'eco e la forza della sua testimonianza).

Edited by - Pegasus_TDCi on 05/09/2014 13:37:58
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Posted - 10/10/2014 :  14:04:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Messaggio della pagina facebook postato un'ora fa:

This morning Eline Medbøe and myself were awarded Åpenhetsprisen 2014 (rewarded for openness around mental health issues)

The jury’s reasoning for giving me this reward:
“She is not ashamed of trying to end her own life when she had a breakdown following her breakthrough as an artist 15 years ago. By being open about this she helps remove some of the stigma surrounding suicide. We want to honor Lene Marlin for the hope she gives to people who are struggling and for encouraging them to seek help and not give up.”

I’m so very grateful for this honor! Thank you so much!!! So much good can come from being open, but I was not expecting an award

I would also like to praise Eline for her project Minneteppet. Here she’s let parents, kids, siblings and spouses create patches for a blanket in memory of the loved ones that they lost. This is heavy stuff! I was looking at some of it and my eyes welled up. So many feelings in each little patch! A truly beautiful project!

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Posted - 10/10/2014 :  14:10:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
articoli relativi al premio di Lene



Edited by - kathie on 10/10/2014 14:17:13
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Posted - 11/11/2014 :  22:57:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nuovo messaggio sulla pagina facebook:

Yesterday I received an award "Role-model Of The Year" from Se og Hør magazine. I’m very happy and grateful to receive such an important recognition! And I had such a lovely evening :)

The award included 50 000 NOK that will be donated to a charity of my choice. I have chosen Sykehusbarn as the recipient of this money. They work very hard to make hospitalized children's days a little brighter.
I hope they can make good use of this money, as their work is so important!

Hope you’re happy, good people :)
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Posted - 12/11/2014 :  21:41:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Avrei immaginato che non si sarebbe più fatta sentire fino a Natale, in occasione dell'usuale scambio di auguri con i fan e bilancio dell'anno appena finito. Però da quella prima infuocata settimana di settembre in già due occasioni è stata coinvolta in una premiazione, e così eccola che si rifà sentire: non manca di aggiornarci quando c'è qualcosa, e questo è bello :)
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Posted - 23/12/2014 :  21:06:05  Show Profile  Visit Knox's Homepage  Click to see Knox's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote

Gli auguri di Lene!

I’ve received a “Role Model Of The Year” award from KK magazine. Thank you so much!!! As you can tell from this photo I’m very happy and pleased with that recognition

Hope you’re happy! There’s a nice feeling of winter in Oslo right now, which is very satisfying for someone from the north. I love that it’s a little bit cold this time of year. Beautiful

I hope you’ve had a good 2014, and that 2015 will be kind to you!

Dear all, I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


....BBBBRRRRrrrrr... il freddo è la sua casa!

Verdeggianti pianure sconfinate, rigogliose terre incontaminate di mondi lontani. Ma anche la maestosità del mare. Mare aperto, dove è facile perdersi. Naufragare piacevolmente nelle rassicuranti profondità oceaniche dei tuoi occhi.
Lene, i'm lost in you....
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Posted - 05/01/2015 :  21:43:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Traduzione di Tef Josh di un articolo di VG con foto inedite

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Posted - 08/01/2015 :  22:29:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Grande kathie! E grande Tef che stavolta ci traduce un articolo non disponibile online! Nel weekend lo traduco e lo metto online anche da noi.
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Posted - 08/03/2015 :  22:56:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Messaggio facebook di pochi minuti fa:

Yesterday I had the honor of receiving ”The Fredrikke Award”, The Norwegian Women’s Public Health Association’s Honorary Award. This organization was founded in 1896, and they’ve helped so many people. I’m very happy and very proud of receiving this award, and also very happy to give the award money, 100.000 NOK to their activity called ”Today’s My Day”. They help kids who are going through a difficult time by granting them a wish. They give them an experience they’ll never forget.

I’m very impressed by their work! And I’m very grateful for this award, for all the kind words and the warm hugs Emoticon smile

Thank you
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Posted - 17/05/2015 :  20:16:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Messaggio Facebook:

Dear all!

Today is the Norwegian Constitution Day! Ice cream and balloons, happy kids. And happy adults :)

This is me after a day of fun! Why not end it with some music :)

I think I was 4 years old.

Hope you’re happy!

Ha anche postato una foto di quando aveva 4 anni con una chitarra giocattolo:)

Edited by - kathie on 17/05/2015 20:19:29
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