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Posted - 06/01/2010 :  01:45:54  Show Profile  Visit Domle's Homepage  Send Domle an ICQ Message  Click to see Domle's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by peppe89
[...] sicuramente è stato un bel regalo per festeggiare i suoi primi 10 anni di musica

il 2010 è ufficialmente il quarto anno di decennale quindi :P

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Posted - 09/03/2010 :  11:33:37  Show Profile  Click to see Pinkjoy's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Lene aggiorna il suo Myspace e la fan page su Facebook, riporto il messaggio anche qui:


Hope 2010 has turned out to be a good year so far :-) I've
"disappeared" into songwriting, so most of my time is spent in the
studio. One of the songs I've written lately is called "It's About
Time". It's out now!

Go check out Aleksander With and his new album "Still Awake"! Just
bought it myself on iTunes :-)

I don't know about you, but I'm waiting for the snow to melt, the sun
to shine and the beautiful spring to arrive :-)



"...What we're thinking
happens to be true..."

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Posted - 09/03/2010 :  11:44:59  Show Profile  Click to see fabiolene's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Un po' di pubblicità! :D


Nothing can take all that joy away
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Posted - 09/03/2010 :  11:53:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Il fatto che stia parecchio in studio fa ben sperare per nuove uscite discografiche, no?

When everything's right... Finally everything's right!

Now you wanna hold my hand
You chose to take it
The truth is that I never really thought we'd make it
Here we are
No chance I'm leaving
Ideas of love and life it sure can be deceiving
Here we are now
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Posted - 09/03/2010 :  12:29:22  Show Profile  Visit Newtti's Homepage  Click to see Newtti's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ale83_webmaster

Il fatto che stia parecchio in studio fa ben sperare per nuove uscite discografiche, no?

Lei sta SEMPRE parecchio tempo in studio, parecchio tempo a scrivere, parecchio tempo a far qualsiasi cosa con le canzoni :P
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Posted - 09/03/2010 :  19:47:14  Show Profile  Visit Nemo's Homepage  Click to see Nemo's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Finalmente si fa sentire. Confesso che ero un po' preoccupato. Non vedo l'ora di sentire questa nuova canzone.

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Staff / Moderatore

Posted - 19/08/2010 :  20:24:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nooooooo, ma avete visto come s'è definita? :D

Postato oggi su Facebook:
THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the messages wishing me happy birthday!!!
I really appreciate it :-) you're so sweet!!! No more in my 20's :-)
It's weird, cos in so many ways I feel older than 30, but it was still a bit strange actually TURNING 30. But so far it's been great!

Happy hugs from not-so-young-Lene-anymore :-)

- Jeg har lyst til å dra på en mat-og vinturné i Italia
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Posted - 19/08/2010 :  22:16:28  Show Profile  Visit Nemo's Homepage  Click to see Nemo's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Beh io ho commentato. Se lei si sente vecchia allora io come mi devo sentire

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Posted - 24/08/2010 :  23:01:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Lene ha modificato la sua foto profilo di fb, proprio qualche giorno fa (19 agosto) anche se on si tratta di una nuova foto, già la conosciamo!

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Posted - 05/10/2010 :  17:07:51  Show Profile  Click to see Pinkjoy's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Un nuovo messaggio su facebook!

Just thought I'd let you know that I've been working with a very talented girl, Elin Gaustad, who's releasing her debut album in Norway today! It's been a while since my debut album came out, but I remember that amazing feeling of holding a copy of it in my hand for the very first time. What a feeling! So, congratulations Elin :-)
I've co - written a couple of songs on her album, Picking Up The Pieces and the title track, Whole New Beginning. Check it out!

"...What we're thinking
happens to be true..."

Edited by - Pinkjoy on 05/10/2010 17:09:38
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Posted - 05/10/2010 :  19:40:22  Show Profile  Visit koletz's Homepage  Click to see koletz's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
L'ho appena visto anch'io!
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Posted - 05/10/2010 :  20:36:36  Show Profile  Visit Nemo's Homepage  Click to see Nemo's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Immaginavo che scrivesse qualcosa in proposito.

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Posted - 28/04/2011 :  21:31:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ultimo accesso e messaggio sul myspace: 12/10/2010
Ultimo post su fb: 5/10/2010
Ultima nota pubblicata su fb: 16/04/2010

Nessuna notizia ad oggi

Saremo anche abituati al silenzio, ma questa lontananza così lunga ci mette sempre a dura prova...

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Posted - 01/05/2011 :  21:49:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
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Posted - 18/05/2011 :  22:00:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Messaggio di Lene su facebook:

Hope you're well! Haven't posted anything in a while. I swear, it's almost like I was supposed to live in the stone age or something :-) I'm not on Twitter, hardly on email and don't like too talk on the phone too much. Well, that's me :-)

Anyway, I AM here - just not so visible at times! Working a lot, writing songs and having fun in the studio. Meeting lots of great songwriters and producers. However, I don't plan a new album just yet. I know some of you want to know. Although I don't plan anything, I still need to write music. So that's what I do, and will be doing for the next few months as well.

I'm enjoying the sun these days, knowing that winter is over for now! Hope you're all happy too :-)

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Posted - 19/05/2011 :  22:03:37  Show Profile  Visit Nemo's Homepage  Click to see Nemo's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Oh finalmente! Dopo tanto tempo si è fatta sentire. Eravamo un po' in pensiero. Sembra che abbia avuto dei problemini per srivere con internet. L'importante è che sappiamo che stà bene ed è felice poi qualcosa arriverà.

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°Aredhel °

Posted - 03/06/2011 :  19:01:09  Show Profile  Visit °Aredhel °'s Homepage  Reply with Quote
fa' piacere sentire di nuovo notizie :)

Just give me directions
I'll go anywhere
I need to find something
I cannot find here
Give me the chance
And I'll prove that you're wrong
I'll manage so fine
I can be strong
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Posted - 20/06/2011 :  19:25:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nuova nota appena pubblicata (alle 19.14) da Lene su Facebook!

Favourite songs
So, I'm having drinks with friends and for some reason they start talking about favourite songs from my albums. I just sat there, listening, and in the end I realize they all have different ones. And the songs that used to be favourites have now been replaced by others. It's funny how things change over the years. And how certain events in your life change the way you listen to music. I've had that happen to me many times. Have you had that experience? You've listened to a song hundreds of times, and it never made sense before. You just couldn't relate to the lyrics. But then something happens, and suddenly it makes sense. And that one song went from being just a song you liked to being a song that really means something...


When everything's right... Finally everything's right!

Now you wanna hold my hand
You chose to take it
The truth is that I never really thought we'd make it
Here we are
No chance I'm leaving
Ideas of love and life it sure can be deceiving
Here we are now
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Staff / Moderatore

Posted - 17/07/2011 :  16:25:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Nemo

Sembra che abbia avuto dei problemini per srivere con internet.

Non ha avuto dei problemi con Internet. Il fatto è che vuole averci a che fare il meno possibile... è fatta così, e lo sappiam e lo risappiam!
La capisco, è un ostacolo alla creatività, alla concentrazione e quindi al tempo dedicato al proprio lavoro.
Eppure ricordo che ai tempi del Festivalbar a Viterbo si diceva (non so se ce lo disse Alistair o chi) che stava spesso al pc a rispondere alle mail.
Comunque, per un nuovo album ci sarà da attendere ancora, ma non sono escluse come sempre nuove collaborazioni.
Mi chiedo se questo periodo così lungo di "ritiro" e di contatto cno altri cantautori possa portare a qualcosa di totalmente o almeno parzialmente nuovo e inatteso nel suo stile musicale. Io me lo aspetterei, vista anche la mutevolezza con cui considera la sua stessa musica (come si capisce anche dalle sue ultime riflessioni).

- Jeg har lyst til å dra på en mat-og vinturné i Italia
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Posted - 17/07/2011 :  21:54:28  Show Profile  Visit Nemo's Homepage  Click to see Nemo's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Non è da escludere. Vedremo quando uscirà. Intanto tra un mesetto Lene fa 31!

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