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My Love

Please come and find me my love
I'm ready now to come home
Please come and find me my love
Let's leave this place
Let's leave no trace

Can you hear me my love
I'm shouting in the wind
Can you hear me
Can you see me my love
I'm drawing in the sand
Can you see me

I hope that I'm still with you
As you are with me
You always will be

Please, come and find me, my love
I'm ready now, to come home
Please, come and find me, my love
Let's leave this place, let's leave no trace

Please come and find me my love
I'm ready now to come home
Please come and find me my love
Let's leave this place
Let's leave no trace

Can you feel me my love
I'm hurting so bad
Can you feel it
Can you tell about my thoughts
I wish that you were here
Do you know it

The time that I've had
Don't need anymore
You're the one I wait for

Please come and find me my love
I'm ready now to come home
Please come and find me my love
Let's leave this place
Let's leave no trace

Please come and find me my love
I'm ready now to come home
Please come and find me my love
Let's leave this place
Let's leave no trace

All lyrics from Another Day album:
· Another Day · Faces · You Weren’t There · From This Day · Sorry · My Love · Whatever It Takes · Fight Against The Hours · Disguise · Story

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Infos about this song
My Love

lyrics by
Lene Marlin

sung by
Lene Marlin

taken from
Another Day (album)

© 2003 EMI Music Norway AS