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16 February 2009
New album from Lene Marlin
Source : EMI Norway
One of Norway's greatest pop stars of all time is releasing the album "Twist The Truth" on March 30.

On her fourth album, she has received producer help from Magnet and Børge Fjordheim in Magnet's Askøy studio, as well as Grand Sports and Malabar Studio in Oslo. The result of this exciting co-operation is different from most other things we have heard from Marlin previously.

When Lene, a short while ago, put out a taste from the new album, the song "You Will Cry No More", on her MySpace page, it got immediately picked up by VG, who rolled the dice to a 5, and called it: "Nothing less than impressive".

Marlin is well-known for her catchy, vulnerable songs, and has always had great success on radio, both here at home and abroad. This album is no exception, and one should just be looking forward to the first single, "Here We Are", which has its première on Norwegian radio tomorrow morning.

Translated by Tef Johs


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