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04 November 2003 - 13:04
29/11: "Another Day" on radio
Charts: single and album down in Italy, steady in Norway
Directly from Virgin Italy the news that "Another Day" will debut on radio on the 29th inst.
The single will be out at the beginning of December.

In the Italian charts, not good news this week for Lene: album and single go out of top ten.
Album "Another Day" (till now 67.000 copies sold - source: Virgin Italy -) loses 7 places and is now 17th, but we have to say there were some important new entries this week. Single "You Weren't There" has lost 7 places too, going from 4 to 11.
In radio "You Weren't There" confirms its good performance, being at 4th place among the most played songs by Italian radio stations. Video of the single is now 10th (having lost 4 places) between the most played by Italian TV.

In Norway the single increases its record, being at n.1 of Hit40 for the 13th consecutive week, which means 3 full months now.
Sale charts: album "Another Day" +1 (10th place); single "You Weren't There" -1 (12th place).


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